2022: Global Higher Education During COVID-19: Policy, Society, and Technology

					View 2022: Global Higher Education During COVID-19: Policy, Society, and Technology

Global Higher Education During COVID-19: Policy, Society, and Technology explores the impacts of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for global mobility in the field of international higher education. Specifically, this book responds to the growing need for new insights and perspectives to improve higher education policy and practice in the era of COVID-19. The sub-theme that runs through this book concerns the changing roles and responsibilities of international education leaders and the demand to rethink comprehensive internationalization post-2020. Topics in this book include international students' experience, study abroad, branch campus, mental health, enrollment, and graduate education.

Editors: Joshua S. McKeown, Krishna Bista, and Roy Y. Chan

Now available as print and ebooks | Order your copy: Paperback | eBook (free)

Published: 2021-09-01

COVID-19 and Global Higher Education (Completed)