Archives - Page 2

  • Reimagining Internationalization and International Initiatives at Historically Black College and Universities

    Reimagining Internationalization and International Initiatives at Historically Black College and Universities

    This book explores the internationalization policy, programs, and initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the United States. The bigger questions that this book addresses are: What does internationalization mean for HBCUs?  How can internationalization be leveraged as a tool for social justice and diversity thus moving students who are often placed at the periphery of society to the center?  Are HBCUs catching up or leading the way? How do we embed internationalization in the ethos of HBCUs institutional culture?  What are the tensions between internationalization and while still serving who have been historically marginalized?  Even more so, how can internationalization be leveraged as a tool for social justice and diversity thus moving students who are often placed at the periphery of society to the center?  


    Krishna Bista is a Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership and Policy at Morgan State University, Maryland. Dr. Bista is the founding editor of the Journal of International Students, a quarterly publication in international education. His latest books are Inequalities in Study Abroad and Student Mobility, (w/Kommers, Routledge, 2021), Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19 (w/Chan & Allen, Routeldge, 2021), International Students at US Community Colleges (w/Malveaux, Routledge, 2022)

    Anthony L. Pinder is Vice Provost of Internationalization and Equity- Academic Affairs at Emerson College in Boston, MA (USA).  He is responsible for managing and building on all of the College’s global operations.  Notably, he manages the academic, fiscal, and programmatic operations of the Emerson European Center at Kasteel Well, The Netherlands. 

    Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022

  • Impacts of COVID-19 on International Students and the Future of Student Mobility

    Impacts of COVID-19 on International Students and the Future of Student Mobility: International Perspectives and Experiences | Krishna BistaRyan M. AllenRoy Y. Chan Routledge | Sep. 29th, 2021

    This volume uses case studies and students' lived experiences to document the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on international students and explore future challenges and opportunities for student mobility within higher education.

  • International Students at US Community Colleges: Opportunities, Challenges, and Successes

    International Students at US Community Colleges: Opportunities, Challenges, and Successes Gregory F. MalveauxKrishna Bista Aug. 20th, 2021

    This volume documents the experiences of international students and recent international initiatives at US community colleges to better understand how to support and nurture students’ potential. Offering a range of case studies, empirical and conceptual chapters, the collection showcases the unique curricula and diverse opportunities for career development that colleges can offer international students.

  • International Student Support and Engagement: Innovative Practices for Universities

    This collected volume, part of the Routledge Studies in Global Student Mobility book series, consists of original research and innovative practices in campus, academic, and professional support services that serve the various and sometimes unique needs of international students seeking undergraduate and/or graduate degrees. 


    Mutiara Mohamad, Ed.D, has been, since 2005, the Director of Programs in Language, Culture, and Professional Advancement (PLCPA)—a department that primarily supports new international students at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Email:

    Janet Boyd, is an Associate Professor of English and Associate Dean of Becton College at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Email:

  • Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19

    Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19: International Perspectives and Experiences Roy Y. ChanKrishna BistaRyan M. Allen Aug. 13th, 2021

    This volume documents the immediate, global impacts of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on teaching and learning in Higher Education. Focussing on student and faculty experiences of online and distance education, the text provides a reflection on novel initiatives, unexpected challenges, and lessons learned.


  • Critical Perspectives on Equity and Social Mobility in Study Abroad


    Critical Perspectives on Equity and Social Mobility in Study Abroad: Interrogating Issues of Unequal Access and Outcomes Chris R. GlassPeggy Gesing Jul. 23rd, 2021

    This edited volume brings together the perspectives of a diverse group of international scholars to explore the intersections of study abroad and social mobility. In doing so, it challenges universalist assumptions and power imbalances implicit in study abroad across the Global North and South, and explores the implications of COVID-19 for equity within study abroad programs, policy, and practice going forward.

  • International Student Mobility to and from the Middle East: Theorizing Public, Institutional, and Self-Constructions of Cross-Border Students

    This book is intended as a contribution to understanding how educational policies and
    priorities travel, or don’t, how ‘internationalisation’ discourses either reflect or obscure local
    priorities and realities, and on a deeper level how ‘the global’ impacts on the particular and
    vice versa. To do this it presents diverse accounts of ‘international’ higher education policy
    in and around the Middle East and Arab World, with a focus on how ‘internationalised’
    students are constructed – by policy, by other students and by themselves. These accounts,
    while thoroughly contextualised in local terms, gain extra significance for our understandings
    of regionalism and regionalisation when considered, critically, together.

    Edited by Aneta Hayes and Sally Findlow (Routeldge, 2022)

  • Cross-Cultural Narratives: Stories and Experiences of International Students

    Cross-Cultural Narratives: Stories and Experiences of International Students

    Edited by Ravichandran Ammigan

    This book provides readers with a unique opportunity to walk a mile in the shoes of an international student. It also highlights the importance of a strong support system for students in both the curricular and co-curricular settings and offers insights to international educators and university administrators into creating a welcoming environment that fosters international understanding and cross-cultural awareness on campus.

    Published: March 2021, STAR Scholars 

    Categories: International Education, student mobility, international students, student stories

    The book is a Gold Open Access publication thanks to the generous institutional sponsorship of the University of Delaware. You can download an e-book (free of cost) and hard copies directly from Amazon and other online vendors. 



  • Delinking, Relinking, and Linking Writing and Rhetorics

    In this book, Limbu precisely aims to trace the development of Himalayan Indigenous writing and rhetorics by offering concise methods and/or approaches, such as how to research and digitally document less explored, taught and even less discussed language/s, writing, performative rhetorics, and oral-performance-based rhetorics

    You can download an e-book and hard copies directly from Amazon and other online vendors. 

  • Inequalities in Study Abroad and Student Mobility: Navigating Challenges and Future Directions

    This volume will benefit researchers, academics, and postgraduate students in the fields of international and comparative education, as well as educators and school leaders working within secondary and higher education settings concerned with multicultural education.

    Hard copies are available on Amazon and other online vendors. 

  • Higher Education in Nepal: Policies and Perspectives

    This book presents a showcase of discussions and critical perspectives about Nepalese higher education. Its chapters cover topics such as the impacts of local sociopolitical changes and global forces on public and private education, emerging online and distance education, administrative and intellectual leadership, quality assessment, graduate employability, global mobility of students, and the contributions of global diaspora of Nepalese scholars.

  • Global Perspectives on International Student Experiences in Higher Education

    Global Perspectives on International Student Experiences in Higher Education examines a wide range of international student experiences empirically from multiple perspectives that includes socio-cultural identities, contextual influences on their learning experiences, their wellbeing experiences, and their post-study experiences. 

  • The Experiences of International Faculty in Institutions of Higher Education

    This book foregrounds perspectives around recruitment, transition, integration, professional development, and the retention of scholars originating from, or arriving in, countries including China, Australia, Iraq, Japan, and the US. Moreover, the scientific and practical implications of the research presented in the text directly informs institutional policy, working towards more effective, inclusive, and equitable ways to support international faculty.

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