Community College as a Gateway to Baccalaureate Success for International Students


  • Veronika Rozhenkova University of California, Irvine
  • Elizabeth S. Park University of California, Irvine


Chapter 10|18 pages Community College as a Gateway to Baccalaureate Success for International Students By Veronika Rozhenkova, Elizabeth S. Park

The number of international students in the United States that transfer from community college to university continues to increase; yet, few studies have examined the college experiences of these students. Upon enrollment in a four-year institution, they become a part of the campus’s international student population and are frequently not being recognized as a potentially different subgroup of students with their own academic characteristics, challenges and needs. In this chapter, we aim to contribute to this knowledge by examining a case of a selective four-year public research university and comparing its international transfer students’ characteristics with those of traditional international students. Additionally, we identify potential ways of providing more adequate institutional support services for the targeted student population. We conclude with thoughts on extending this line of literature to better support transfer international students in their academic trajectory towards baccalaureate success.

Author Biographies

  • Veronika Rozhenkova, University of California, Irvine

    Veronika Rozhenkova is a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning at the University of California, Irvine. She is conducting research in higher education and STEM education for the Education Research Initiative, which aims to advance knowledge about innovations and policies that have the potential to increase postsecondary success and reduce educational inequality. Veronika received her PhD in Social Sciences and Comparative Education from UCLA, a Master’s degree in International Education Policy from Harvard University, and a Diploma in Philology from Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. Her research interests are in international comparative education, higher education policy and reform, STEM education, and diversity in higher education.


  • Elizabeth S. Park, University of California, Irvine

    Elizabeth S. Park is a Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California, Irvine, Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning. Her research interests include improving retention and success rates of underrepresented college students in STEM fields, studying access and success of community college students, and improving the K-16 pipeline. She uses large-scale datasets and advanced quantitative methods to answer her research questions. She received her Ph.D. in Urban Education Policy from University of Southern California, a Master’s degree from University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor’s degree from University of California, Los Angeles.  





International Students in Community Colleges (Published)

How to Cite

Community College as a Gateway to Baccalaureate Success for International Students . (2021). Book Series.