How soccer can serve as a conceptual model for structuring an international student support office



The innovation of programming to support international students today builds on the shoulders of some enduring and hopeful principles of international exchange. The ideals of what can be achieved through positive cross-cultural contact face the brutal realities of a paradigm that international students can pose a threat to national security. The massive increase of government regulations over the past thirty years have, of course, greatly impacted how international student offices serve and achieve their mission. The authors hold the optimism that international education brings hope to a world that faces many fears. This chapter proposes a five-part practical programming model built on the foundations of international engagement. Soccer, more commonly known as football, serves as a guiding metaphor for how offices can be structured to tackle the competing challenges of regulatory compliance and risk management and, at the same time, support the academic, social, and cultural needs of international students.

Author Biographies

  • Peter Briggs, Director Emeritus at Michigan State University

    PETER BRIGGS, Director Emeritus at Michigan State University’s Office for International Students and Scholars, retired in 2014 following a forty-year career as an international educator. He previously held administrative positions at the University of Oregon and the Institute of International Education, and served as Vice President for Regional Affairs with NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Email:

  • Ravichandran Ammigan, University of Delaware

    RAVICHANDRAN AMMIGAN, PhD, is the Associate Deputy Provost for International Programs and Assistant Professor of Education at the University of Delaware. His research focuses on the international student experience, with a particular emphasis on student satisfaction and support services. Email:



How to Cite

How soccer can serve as a conceptual model for structuring an international student support office . (2021). Book Series.