Call for Chapters || International students and higher education providers at the crossroads: Australian perspectives on transnational mobility


This edited volume seeks to investigate, unveil and interrogate the lived experiences, challenges, and opportunities of international students in Australia and those of the host institutions. Through various methodological lenses such as case studies, narrative inquiry, ethnographic, autoethnographic, and mixed-method methodologies, particular attention is paid to international students’ academic journeys (e.g. social, cultural, and language experiences, understanding colloquial language, academic success, student motivation, and expectations, students’ academic literacies, identity construction, etc.), student wellbeing (e.g. feelings of isolation, experiences of rejection, homophobia, identity problems, etc.), equity and social justice in international education, international student employability, university intervention programs for international student support, university strategies for issues of academic integrity, and university contingencies for international student performance, retention, attrition, and satisfaction. For questions and submissions, contact--

Dr. Leonardo Veliz, Head of School of Education, Excelsia College, Sydney, Australia