Call for Chapters - Millennial faculty in global higher education: Exploring the professoriate in the era of COVID-19


Call for Book Chapter:  Millennial faculty in global higher education: Exploring the professoriate in the era of COVID-19 || Due- March 1, 2022

The purpose of this book is to document the experience of millennial faculty in the United States and abroad, including their expertise and experiences in teaching, research, and academic transitions as young professoriate or scholars in tertiary institutions. The move from elite to mass higher education has witnessed the rise of millennials in the academic profession around the world. This book will investigate the support system and surroundings that help these young teacher-scholars and practitioners transition and integrate into academia. The sub-theme of this book will explore the typologies, characteristics and generation differences of faculty between Millennials and the previous generations (e.g., Gen X, Baby Boomers, and Silent Generation).The book will shed new light on understanding the contemporary global challenges and opportunities that arise with Millennial faculty members, as well as building research-based knowledge when mentoring and assisting these new professors for the academic profession in the era of COVID-19.  Check details here and submit your proposals /questions to Dr. Xi Lin (East Carolina University) at or Dr. Roy Y. Chan (Lee University) at

Table of Contents (select one of the following suggested topics)

Section I: Multigenerational Diversity in the Academic Workplace during COVID-19

  • Characteristics of Millennials and faculty roles
  • Millennial faculty’s culture and communication pedagogies
  • Millennials as digital natives
  • Millennials as transnational scholars

Section II: Millennial Generation Expectation Gap in Global Higher Education

  • Millennial faculty’s expectations of communication
  • Millennial faculty’s expectations of work ethic
  • Collaboration and engagement among Millennial Faculty
  • Community-engaged scholarship among Millennial Faculty
  • Research performance and productivity among Millennial Faculty

Section III: Mentoring and Faculty Development of Millennial Faculty

  • Campus support systems for Millennial faculty
  • The reverse mentoring at workplace
  • Recruitment and retainment of domestic and international Millennial faculty
  • Academic freedom, global citizenship, and civic engagement among Millennial faculty

Section VI: COVID-19 Challenges and Opportunities of Millennial Faculty

  • Fostering cross-generational learning and developing Millennial leaders 
  • Generational influences in academia 
  • Developing the next generation of faculty post-COVID-19
  • Graduate employability of Millennials