Call for Chapter Proposals--Curriculum Theory and Pedagogy for Student Mobility: Research and Practice in International Higher Education


The edited volume will bring together teaching research and practices that reveal how curricular and pedagogical change in institutions of higher education can promote academic success in the education of international students across diverse socio-political contexts. Possible areas of applicable curriculum theory to be addressed include (but are not limited to): Innovative curriculum-related theories, concepts, and practices in the teaching of international students; Curriculum theory research and practice by educators in multicultural educational landscapes; The application of cross-cultural and cross-racial teaching technologies in international student education; The framing, management, and assessment of experiential, co-curricular, and pre-professional opportunities, and programming for international students... more

Key Dates: Abstracts (250 words max.) due: January 15, 2021 || completed chapters: April 31, 2022

Please submit abstracts to Dr. Lin Ge at