Call for Chapters: Home and Abroad: International Student Experiences and Graduate Employability


This book highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of international student employability. This includes, but is not limited to, the following areas related to international student employability:

  • International student expectations and challenges with employability
  • University-industry linkages that enhance student employability
  • Perceptions from different stakeholders on employability, including academics, university careers services, alumni, local and international employers, and so on
  • Theoretical contributions on employability in a globalized society  
  • Evaluation of recent initiatives implemented to facilitate the holistic career development of students
  • Pedagogical research or curriculum development studies on enhancing international student employability


Dr Xin (Skye) Zhao, University of Sheffield,; Dr Michael Kung, University of Florida, ; Dr Yingyi Ma, Syracuse University,; Dr Krishna Bista, Morgan State University,

Series/Publisher: STAR Scholars Network

(accepting proposals)